Co-Work Spaces

Modern day businesses have shifted to a lot of “work-from-home” options lately, whether self-employed or a corporate nomad. Having free or low cost co-work spaces offers a communal place for people to come and bring their personal work (laptop/papers/etc.) to a work-like setting and get things done in the company of others. For entrepreneurs, productivity is especially increased when you are in a work-like environment or when there are others near you also working on their own thing.

Even having the space open for a few hours per day would provide a nice change for people who work from home, or for “corporate nomads”.

This space would do well with several work stations, flat surfaces, WIFI, coffee/water availability. These spaces likely exist already in the various un-used community halls/legions around each town.

More Businesses & Saturday Shopping

I think it would be a positive thing to get more businesses in town on main street, filling up those empty buildings. And get everyone to be open on Saturdays. Get the tourists who drive through on Hwy 13 and Hwy 36 to stop in Killam and shop (spend money).

Rotating Farmers Market

Would love to support a large Farmers Market that rotated between Daysland, Killam, Heisler and Sedgewick each week. Close down part of Main Street and showcase all our very talented bakers, farmers, crafters, artists and talent. Have a small area for musicians, some food vendors, etc. The small fee for the vendor booth fees can be divided at the end of summer and a portion to each town to a charity of their choice.

County Fair

As we move forward, should or could we be looking at more County-wide events? Eg. in the U.S. they have state fairs, etc.

Lending Cupboard

A place people could go and sign out supplies needed (like a library) but it had playpens, high chairs, baby swings, toys for different age groups, etc. So a grandparent could sign out equipment if grand babies were visiting. Could also include different power or garden tools, medical equipment like crutches, kitchen gadgets etc., depending on community needs.

Outdoor Weekend Festival

Let’s have an outdoor weekend festival. Could be various entertainment for kids and adults. Concerts, magicians, food vendors, something really unique.

Day Camp

A week-long children’s day camp where kids can learn about the different people who keep our county running (public works, Agricultural services, mechanics, etc).