Economic Development

1. Business Retention and Expansion
2. Attraction and Retention of Citizens
3. New Business Start-ups
4. New Business Investment
5. Economic Development as a Supportive Team Member

Click for a full copy of the Five-year Economic and Community Development Strategic Plan.

The Economic Development department offers numerous programs and services to the citizens and businesses of the Region focusing on economic sustainability and community development.

Business Supports

Available Programs


Business and Investment Assistant

The Business and Investment Assistant helps you navigate your way through useful business and investment information.


Karen Burnand

Community Services Director


Jenalee Waring

Economic Development Officer

780-384-4152 (direct line)

780-384-3635 (fax)

Shaina Dunn

Economic Development Coordinator

780-384-4151 (direct line)

780-384-3635 (fax)

Kerri Lefsrud

Economic Development Coordinator

780-384-4150 (direct line)

Charlene Sutter

Administrative Assistant
